Biography project examples
Standard Course Objective: Write for a variety of audiences and purposes using appropriate formats.
Goal : The learner will apply strategies and skills to create oral, written, and visual texts.
Standard : Use oral and written language to:
� present information in a sequenced, logical manner.
� discuss.
� sustain conversation on a topic.
� share information and ideas.
� recount or narrate.
� answer open-ended questions.
� report information on a topic.
� explain own learning.
Standard : Share written and oral products in a variety of ways (e.g., author's chair, book making, publications, discussions, presentations).
Students will select from a variety of pre-selected Biographies that will be used to create a Book that will include background information and illustrations.
Who, What, When, Where, Why, How/Impact= WWWWWH/I
EQ: How do I research and write about famous people?
Overview: Students will read Biographies and collect information that will aid them to create a Book.
Lesson Standard: Use oral and written language to present information in a sequenced, logical manner.
Focus/Review: Ask students to describe their idea of a cool Book.
Inform of Objective: Students will become familiar with people from the past and present by reading Biographies and learn how to organize information in order to create a book.
Teacher Input: Explain to the students that they will be selecting a Biography from a pre-determined list. They will be using the Biography to collect information that will be used to help create a book that will contain background information about a famous person and they will also be illustrating their page.
GP: Have the students recall the Alphabet book activity they did with the Math theme. Inform the students that they will utilize the WWWWWH/I information organizer model for this activity. Have students select their Biography books. Inform them that they will have the rest of the lesson period to conduct their research.
IP: The students will read their Biography books independently and create the WWWWWH/I organizer.
Closure/Review: Reiterate to the students the goal of the lesson activity is to create a book that we can put together in order for all the students to have as a keep sake.
List of materials: Enough Biographies to have one for each student, Reading Journals, lined paper, pencils.
EQ: How do I research and write about famous people?
Overview: Students will read Biographies and collect information that will aid them to create a Book.
Lesson Standard: Use oral and written language to present information in a sequenced, logical manner.
Focus/Review: Refer to previous day lesson.
Inform of Objective: Students will become familiar with people from the past and present by reading Biographies and learn how to organize information in order to create a book.
Teacher Input: Have students get their Biographies and reading Journals out.
GP: The Teacher will direct the students to continue to read their Biography books and collect research information using the WWWWWH/I method..
IP: Write 1st draft. The students will read their Biography books independently and create the WWWWWH/I organizer. The student will then focus on identifying the back ground information that they will use to create the text of their letter page.
Closure/Review: Ask the students if they have any questions they would like answered and ask several students to share their progress with the class.
List of materials: Student selected Biography books. Reading Journals, pencils.
Wed. EQ: How do I research and write about famous people?
Overview: Students will read Biographies and collect information that will aid them to create an Alphabet Book.
Lesson Standard: Use oral and written language to present information in a sequenced, logical manner.
Focus/Review: Refer to previous day lesson, the creation process of their book.
Inform of Objective: Students will become familiar with people from the past and present by reading Biographies and learn how to organize information in order to create a book.
Teacher Input: Have students get their Biographies and reading Journals out.
GP: For students that have collected the necessary information to create the text for their letter page or pages, have them begin the brain storming and rough draft process.
IP: Revise and edit draft. The students will read their Biography books independently and continue to utilize the WWWWWH/I organizer.
The student will then focus on identifying the back ground information that they will use to create the text of their page or begin the writing process.
Closure/Review: Ask the students if they have any questions they would like answered and ask several students to share their progress with the class.
List of materials: Student selected Biography books.
Reading Journals, pencils.
Thu. EQ: How do I research and write about famous people?
Overview: Students will read Biographies and collect information that will aid them to create a Book.
Lesson Standard: Use oral and written language to present information in a sequenced, logical manner.
Focus/Review: Refer to previous day lesson, the creation process of their book.
Inform of Objective: Students will become familiar with people from the past and present by reading Biographies and learn how to organize information in order to create a book.
Teacher Input: Have students get their Biographies and reading Journals out.
GP: Inform the students that they should now be working on the background information text that they will use to present their Alphabet letter.
IP: Published copy.
The students will create the text that will be used to present their Biography book. Students will use peer conferencing to edit writing activity. When the student has a finished product they will type up paragraph on alpha smart/ computer resource.
Closure/Review: Ask the students if they have any questions they would like answered and ask several students to share their progress with the class.
List of materials: Student selected Biography books. Reading Journals, pencils, Alpha Smart/computer lab.
Fri. EQ: How do I research and write about famous people?
Overview: Students will read Biographies and collect information that will aid them to create a Book.
Lesson Standard: Use oral and written language to present information in a sequenced, logical manner.
Focus/Review: Refer to previous day lesson, the creation process of their book.
Inform of Objective: Students will become familiar with people from the past and present by reading Biographies and learn how to organize information in order to create a book.
Teacher Input: Have students get their Biographies and reading Journals out.
GP: Inform the students that they should now be completing the final draft that will be used to present their Biography and they should also begin to create an illustration that will compliment their written work.
Suggest a picture of their Biography person doing some thing that he or she is famous for.
IP: The students will produce the final draft of the text and an illustration that will be used to present their Alphabet letter.
Closure/Review: Inform the students that their book will be created using the computer.
List of materials: Student selected Biography books, Reading Journals, Computer, pencils.
Standard Course Objective: Read with fluency and comprehension.
Goal : The learner will apply strategies and skills to comprehend text that is read, heard, and viewed.
Standard : Read a variety of texts, including:
� Nonfiction (biographies, letters, articles, procedures and instructions, charts, maps).
Tuesday through Friday the teacher will read aloud a self selected Biography and point out and discuss character traits represented in the story.
EQ: How can I find out about famous people?
Reading Activity
Overview: Students will read a Biography and collect and organize information.
Lesson Standard: Read a variety of texts, including: nonfiction (biographies) Use oral and written language to. . .
Focus/Review: Inform students that they will be reading about famous people.
Inform of Objective: Students will become familiar with people from the past and present by reading Biographies and learn how to organize information.
Teacher Input: Inform the students that you will be reading a biography and modeling how to use the 4 box information organizer to help during the writing process.
GP: Mini lesson the teacher will read aloud a Biography about Dr.
George Washington Carver. The Teacher will create a 4 box organizer on the dry erase board or on a flip chart and fill in the content information that the students will provide. After the 4 box organizer is complete the teacher will demonstrate how to use the information to create a summarizing paragraph that incorporates all five of the characteristic traits and all five of the five interesting facts.
IP: Students will identify and provide the content that will be used to complete the 4 box information organizer and aid the teacher when directed to provide suggestions for creating various parts of the Biography summarizing paragraph.
Closure/Review: Inform the students that on the following day they will have to recreate the process after reading a pre-selected Biography.
List of materials: Biography about Dr.
George Washington Carver, dry erase boar/flip chart, markers.
Tue. EQ: How can I find out about famous people?
Reading Activity
Overview: Students will read a Biography and collect and organize information.
Lesson Standard: Read a variety of texts, including: nonfiction (biographies) Use oral and written language to.
. .
Focus/Review: Inform students that they will be reading about famous people.
Inform of Objective: Students will become familiar with people from the past and present by reading Biographies and learn how to organize information.
Teacher Input: Refer to previous day reading lesson.
GP: Read aloud self selected Biography to the students.
The teacher will instruct the students to recreate the activity from yesterday during their independent practice on loose sheets of lined paper that will be collected at the end of the lesson period. To aid the students, make the modeled product from previous day instruction available to the students. Pass out Readers to students and have them read independently and utilize the 4 box information organizer that will be used to create a paragraph that summarizes the assigned Biography and incorporates the 5 Character traits and the5 interesting facts from their 4 box organizer.
IP: Students read Elijah McCoy "The Real McCoy" from the Hello Reader Five Notable Inventors. (Pgs. ) independently and utilize the 4 box information organizer that will be used to create a paragraph that summarizes the assigned Biography and incorporates the 5 Character traits and the5 interesting facts from their 4 box organizer.
Closure/Review: Have several students read their paragraphs to the class. Check for correctness and make comments accordingly.
List of materials: Teacher selected Biography for read aloud, Hello Reader Five Notable Inventors books, lined paper, pencils. 4 box organizer model and previous lessons paragraph.
Biography research report lesson plan high school Clip art. Reported resources will be reviewed by our team. In this biography instructional activity, students participate in mini-lessons on key features of Microsoft Word and then use it to write a multi-part biography report. Middle school math.EQ: How can I find out about famous people?
Reading Activity
Overview: Students will read a Biography and collect and organize information.
Lesson Standard: Read a variety of texts, including: nonfiction (biographies) Use oral and written language to. . .
Focus/Review: Inform students that they will be reading about famous people.
Inform of Objective: Students will become familiar with people from the past and present by reading Biographies and learn how to organize information.
Teacher Input: Refer to previous day reading lesson.
GP: Read aloud self selected Biography to the students.
The teacher will instruct the students to recreate the activity from yesterday during their independent practice on loose sheets of lined paper that will be collected at the end of the lesson period. To aid the students, make the modeled product from previous day instruction available to the students. Pass out Readers to students and have them read independently and utilize the 4 box information organizer that will be used to create a paragraph that summarizes the assigned Biography and incorporates the 5 Character traits and the5 interesting facts from their 4 box organizer.
IP: Students read Granville T. Woods "The Greatest Electrician in the World" from the Hello Reader Five Notable Inventors. (Pgs. ) independently and utilize the 4 box information organizer that will be used to create a paragraph that summarizes the assigned Biography and incorporates the 5 Character traits and the5 interesting facts from their 4 box organizer.
Closure/Review: Have several students read their paragraphs to the class. Check for correctness and make comments accordingly.
List of materials: Teacher selected Biography for read aloud, Hello Reader Five Notable Inventors books, lined paper, pencils. 4 box organizer model and previous lessons paragraph.
Thu. EQ: How can I find out about famous people?
Reading Activity
Overview: Students will read a Biography and collect and organize information.
Lesson Standard: Read a variety of texts, including: nonfiction (biographies) Use oral and written language to. . .
Focus/Review: Inform students that they will be reading about famous people.
Inform of Objective: Students will become familiar with people from the past and present by reading Biographies and learn how to organize information.
Teacher Input: Refer to previous day reading lesson.
GP: Read aloud self selected Biography to the students.
The teacher will instruct the students to recreate the activity from yesterday during their independent practice on loose sheets of lined paper that will be collected at the end of the lesson period. To aid the students, make the modeled product from previous day instruction available to the students. Pass out Readers to students and have them read independently and utilize the 4 box information organizer that will be used to create a paragraph that summarizes the assigned Biography and incorporates the 5 Character traits and the5 interesting facts from their 4 box organizer.
Biography research report lesson plan sample: They fill in the title, author, illustrator, and publisher before listing the character traits of the person they read For Teachers 5th Standards. GP: Inform the students that they should now be working on the background information text that they will use to present their Alphabet letter. Teacher Input: Refer to previous day reading lesson.
IP: Students read Madam C.J. Walker, "A Millionaire Inventor" from the Hello Reader Five Notable Inventors. (Pgs. ) independently and utilize the 4 box information organizer that will be used to create a paragraph that summarizes the assigned Biography and incorporates the 5 Character traits and the5 interesting facts from their 4 box organizer.
Closure/Review: Have several students read their paragraphs to the class. Check for correctness and make comments accordingly.
List of materials: Teacher selected Biography for read aloud, Hello Reader Five Notable Inventors books, lined paper, pencils. 4 box organizer model and previous lessons paragraph.
EQ: How can I find out about famous people?
Reading Activity
Overview: Students will read a Biography and collect and organize information.
Lesson Standard: Read a variety of texts, including: nonfiction (biographies) Use oral and written language to. . .
Focus/Review: Inform students that they will be reading about famous people.
Inform of Objective: Students will become familiar with people from the past and present by reading Biographies and learn how to organize information.
Teacher Input: Refer to previous day reading lesson.
GP: Read aloud self selected Biography to the students.
The teacher will instruct the students to recreate the activity from yesterday during their independent practice on loose sheets of lined paper that will be collected at the end of the lesson period. To aid the students, make the modeled product from previous day instruction available to the students. Pass out Readers to students and have them read independently and utilize the 4 box information organizer that will be used to create a paragraph that summarizes the assigned Biography and incorporates the 5 Character traits and the5 interesting facts from their 4 box organizer.
IP: Students read Garret A. Morgan, "A Champion of Public Safety" from the Hello Reader Five Notable Inventors. (Pg. ) independently and utilize the 4 box information organizer that will be used to create a paragraph that summarizes the assigned Biography and incorporates the 5 Character traits and the5 interesting facts from their 4 box organizer.
Closure/Review: Have several students read their paragraphs to the class. Check for correctness and make comments accordingly.
List of materials: Teacher selected Biography for read aloud, Hello Reader Five Notable Inventors books, lined paper, pencils.
4 box organizer model and previous lessons paragraph.
Reading Groups N/A
Writing Rubric
Student's Name: _____________________________ Date: ___________________
Biography Writing Assignment
1. I introduce my famous person (who). 1 2 3 4 5
2. I explain what my person did. 1 2 3 4 5
I explain why my person did what they did. 1 2 3 4 5
4. I explain where my famous person was from and where they did what they did.
1 2 3 4 5
5. I tell when my person lived & when they did what they did. 1 2 3 4 5
6. I explained why this person was important to society then and now. (impact). 1 2 3 4 5
7. I used correct capitalization, punctuation, spelling,transitions and indented paragraphs. 1 2 3 4 5.
8. My sentences are complete and make sense.
1 2 3 4 5
9. My handwriting is neat and legible. 1 2 3 4 5
I used the writing process to complete my paper (plan, pre-write, revise and edit, peer conference) 1 2 3 4 5
Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Point Total _________ X 2 = _____________________