Lesley dill artwork design
Mystic Participant
Oil stick, thread and paper on Tyvek backed fabric. ” x ”
Written By Her Own Hand
Oil stick, thread, paper on Tyvek backed fabric.
” x ”
The Meteor of War
Oil Stick, paper, thread on fabric backed paper. ” x 82”
Oil paint, paper, thread on fabric-backed paper.
Lesley dill artwork design images Bronxville, New York. Music [ edit ]. Another major influence on Dill's work is the time she spent living and working in India with her husband. There she was impacted by the landscape, weather, architecture, clothing, and other sensory aspects of her environment.96” x ”
Leaping Deer
Oil paint, paper, thread on fabric-backed paper. 72” x 96”
Unsayable Deep Quiet
Oil paint, paper, thread on fabric-backed paper. 72” x 96”
Faith & the Devil: Eaters and Eaten in the Radiant Garden of Sorrow and Rapture
, Fabric, paper, oil pastel, acrylic paint, india ink, silver leaf, thread, " x "
Rapture's Germination
, oil pastel, foil, thread on tyvek, 97”x ”
Heart 1
, Oil pastel, thread, silver leaf, paper on tea stained mulberry, " x 10"
Sitting in Radiance
, India ink, thread, gold and silver paper collage abbaca, 21" x "
A Void Through Which You Pass
, Oil pastel, thread, mulberry collage on handmade paper, 12" x 12"
I Was Transformed
, India ink, thread, collage on handmade paper, " x 15"
Sister Gertrude Morgan: Faith (Heaven Drawing)
, Oil Stick and watercolor pencil on tyvek, " x "
Sister Gertrude Morgan: Faith (Heaven Drawing)
, Oil Stick and india ink on tyvek, silver leaf on brown paper, " x "